

We need more penguins to work on this site so comment here and I’ll contact you when you are avilable to give you a interview time. Remeber this job is temeoray and I’m not adding any admins unless I really trust you!

Thanks you,

Fire Peny 88 :S


One Response to “Members”

  1. holidayclubanddadted Says:

    Hi im Holidayclubanddadted
    i have been on club penguin for a year and 5 months
    I have 3 club penguin blogs 2 are mine i created, one which im on my own and the other i share with loads of friends. the one i didnt make is by loads of other friends. I am trustworthy. I hate people who ban you. I have never been banned on club penguin the whole time ive been there.
    I love making friends and hope to make friends with you!
    Fire Peny 88: Ok when do u go on your PC/laptop/whatever so I can interview u?

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